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…..with Clarity of mind!

Creating a Positive outlook…..

Tel: 07964 290933

Loss & Anxiety Coaching

Discovery Session,
text, call or email to book

Testimonial quote

“she is a force for good in the fight against negativity in all its forms”

Click here to read Mrs F’s journey

Feeling of  churning inside?

A continuous sensation of butterflies, churning, spinning deep inside your stomach, is a common symptom of anxiety, that many of my clients present to me, when they come to see me.This mostly happens first thing in the morning on waking, although the spinning sensation can often be felt  at other times in the day. I have an effective tool to stop it in its tracks!

Panicky, shaking, trembling with an urge to ‘run’?
When in a heightened state of anxiety, we are, in fact in ‘fight, flight, freeze’ mode as if we are getting ready to ‘go fight the bear’! This state can leave you exhausted and tired, with your right emotional brain in charge and left logical brain not working properly, leaving you with a fuzzy brain, and unable to concentrate! I teach tools that restore balance.

Are your fears trapping you?

Are you trapped in the Circle of Anxiety?

Self talk? You cannot have a feeling without what you say to yourself!

Our brains are like a ‘super, faster than the speed of light’ computer and it will only run on the software you program it with! That constant negative inner voice, plays into any negative beliefs you have, feeding into yet more negative feelings, until it becomes a self fulfilling prophesy! Want to learn how to silence them?

Call me today

You’re only one thought away
from feeling different

For details of  my Coaching Programmes

click here