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Tel: 07964 290933

…..with Clarity of mind!

Creating a Positive outlook…..

Tel: 07964 290933

Loss & Anxiety Coaching

Discovery Session,
text, call or email to book

Coaching Programs
For when standing still is not an option
Which one will you choose?

‘Getting to know ‘YOU’
 2  x Session  Program

Your  values are the qualities that define you,
they are at the core of who you are,
they are in fact your identity!

One definition of fulfilment is
simply “living life to your values”

How well do you know you?
What makes you tick?

Our values influence what we do, how we think and how we feel about the world around us. When we do or see things that goes against our values we feel sad, bad or get mad. When we live life in a way that aligns with our values we feel great, congruent, we are being authentic, feel fulfilled and happy!

Knowing your values enables you to understand what drives and motivates you and clarifies what you might also want to avoid in life. Once clear on your values, you can make informed choices of any life changes. You will be able to choose roles, activities and people that support and enhance your values and avoid any that contradict them.  

Discover what really is important to you in life
and what to do to get the most from it.

Current Work Values
2 x session program
One definition of fulfilment is simply
“living life to your values”
It therefore makes sense that to feel fulfilled
in our work we need to make sure that our work
aligns with our values too!

How is your current job role?
How does it fit with your work values?

Knowing your values enables you to understand what drives and motivates you while at work. It also helps clarify what you may want to avoid in the work place. Once you are clear on your values (whether you are looking at a new role, career change or just looking for ways to improve your current situation) you can do so in an informed manner, knowing your work fits with your values enables you to choose roles, careers and activities at work, which then enhance your values - and avoid those that contradict them.

Do you feel sometimes that work  is not ‘working’ for you, not working out how you want it to be. If so then get clear on what you need to do with this invaluable program in just 2 sessions

Is life not working out how you
would like it to be?

Do you feel that you have:
Lost your way? Lost your identity?
Lost your direction?

Do you want to wake up in the morning and
look forward to the day ahead?
Get ready to take stock, take action and get happy!
Coaching program to get you
back in touch with ‘living’!
Live your best life NOW!
You deserve to be the best
that you can be can’t you?

How would you like to have that now?

This is a 4 session ‘action’ program
Book in for a free initial Zoom meeting to discover more

Relationship Recovery Program
Dump your old baggage & heal those wounds
Learn how to avoid making the same mistakes!
Gain Clarity on the the road to romance
that fits for you

We are wired to connect and we literally need connection with others, look at how we rely on social media! Yet who we spend out time with has a big impact on how we feel, both about ourselves and about life.

How do you know if a relationship is working for you or not?

Do you feel energised, inspired, uplifted , supported and encouraged? If you answered yes to two or more then you relationship has potential.

If you feel drained, let down, discouraged or worthless, then ask yourself, is your relationship working for you?

Make this your time to heal those wounds, and take a fresh new look at  how you can move forward.

This program is suitable for couples or singles
Call me for more details

Future Work Values
4 x session program

Are you feeling like a round peg in a hole?

Been doing the job for years and feel stuck in a rut?
Did you just take the job to earn money?

When you are clear on your work values - and if your work fits with them, that is a great result. Are you truly happy with your work? Did you find yourself pursuing or working in your career path because it seemed to be the right thing to do at the time?
Are you now stuck in a career rut?
Or are you considering a career change?

Without action there can be no change
Discover which path to take and get ready to be re-ignited!

I am more than a Life Coach…

….I am a Wedding celebrant!

For more details on other coaching sessions, visit my other web site:
