Tel: 07964 290933
…..with Clarity of mind!
Creating a Positive outlook…..
Tel: 07964 290933
Loss & Anxiety Coaching
Powerful words from clients
who now have a well formed outcome
with a renewed positive outlook
“Dulcie aided me on a personal journey that made me feel in so much more control of my life!”
I have recently been lucky enough to be introduced to a lady who I had no idea could have such a life changing effect on me. Dulcie has coached me and helped me over anxieties I’ve let control my way of life for over 18 years! And more recently helped me cope with any wedding anxieties and fears of being in a populated area such as the airport on the way to my honeymoon.
When I first met Dulcie I had no idea it was possible to manage and change my thought processes that triggered my anxieties in such a way that they became manageable. From the initial contact with Dulcie she made me feel welcome relaxed and very at ease with the environment she coached me in, Dulcie aided me on a personal journey that made me feel in so much more control of my life and hugely happier about my past experiences. For the affordable price of what it costs to have this wonderful coaching the results are priceless and it is also extremely comforting to know that I can always pick up the phone and arrange another appointment with Dulcie if any new anxieties arise that I find I need help with.
“I'm now looking forward to
a more content life!”
I am now looking forward to more content life coping with issues that will no longer bother me. The whole experience has changed things in me that I thought I had to live with the rest of my life so if you want to change your life the better I urge you to have a chat with Dulcie to see if she can help you too! Mr. J
“Dulcie’s gentle and insightful coaching
has a way of getting to the heart of the problem”
When I first heard of Dulcie my life was in pieces and I was in great emotional pain. I was walking the walk, putting one foot in front of the other, had loads of support from friends and a regular meeting of like-minded women, but it was still too hard for me to look into the future and make any plans. Plus I was besieged by anger and upset that was at times uncontrollable and certainly stopped me functioning properly.
One session with Dulcie and the anger was under control and with the next session I could start looking at my life and where it might go. A few sessions later and I could look into the future and make all sorts of exiting plans. It’s hard to remember what a state I was in when we first talked.
“I always finish our sessions smiling,
feeling happy and positive with some great
ideas to work on!”
It’s not like life has been kind in those few weeks. All sorts of huge and unexpected new problems and issues have reared their heads, but I have new tools to deal with them. Dulcie’s gentle and insightful coaching has a way of getting to the heart of the problem in a pain free and easy way. I always finish our sessions smiling, feeling happy and positive with some great ideas to work on. Mrs S
You have given me my confidence back..”
Thank you for all your help over the last couple of months it has put me back on track and back to the place that I wanted to be. You have given me my confidence back and a positive feel to my life to do what I want to do. There are some things that I hope and pray that will work out as I would like them to, but if they don't they don't then I will do something different.
So a big big thank you for all that you have done for me and my girls, as what you have helped me achieve has helped me help them through this difficult time.
Mr W
“had anxiety issues that were causing
a whole host of different problems”
I first came to see Dulcie in the Autumn of 2016 and had anxiety issues that were causing a whole host of different problems. The most frustrating of which was that I just really didn’t feel myself and thought that I would be stuck with these issues forever.
Using various techniques Dulcie started to uncover the roots of my problems and guided me through different aspects of my life which gave me the keys to really push on and get back on track.
Dulcie made me question things that I would never have looked at myself and talked me through why all of these were important to my make up. Dulcie was always caring, tough at times, but never failed to look out for my best interests.
“I cannot wait to see what the future holds”
Now, I feel as good as ever and know exactly what I need to do to take my life forward. I cannot wait to see what the future holds. Thank you Dulcie! Mr R
“the techniques you used with
me transformed my life”!
Following 5 years of distressing flashbacks after a traumatic experience, I took the biggest leap of faith. Within 30 minutes, the techniques you used with me transformed my life. Dulcie, your help and expertise has been the single most helpful life event I have encountered and I’m so grateful to you.
“I no longer live life in recurrent fear,
sadness and pain”
I no longer live life in recurrent fear, sadness and pain. Dulcie, you have transformed the quality of my life. I will be forever grateful. When my romantic life wobbled, I came back to see Dulcie, as she’d earned my trust.
With grace, intuition, wisdom and a little challenge, you helped me understand myself using your values exercises. At 57 I thought I knew myself pretty well, but our work has given me increased insight, clarity and confidence. My new knowledge has changed me...and I like it!
“Thank you for all you do in kindness and without judgment”
Miss J
“everything just felt overwhelming”
I sought the help of Dulcie when I was suffering with anxiety, it really was crippling and I would wake up every morning with a churning stomach and my mind racing. I had taken a huge career blow and following divorce everything just felt overwhelming and I found myself short tempered with my children, not enjoying my relationship and just running on empty.
Dulcie is like a wise sage, she takes charge and gets the ball rolling with really helpful skills. I have seen many counselors and therapists over the years and whilst it is really helpful to talk and understand the difficulties, when we are at a low ebb we almost need someone to pick us up and tell us what to do to make it all better.
“all of a sudden I found myself
being released from emotions and beliefs”
She is so warm and easy to talk to and poses the right amount of challenge to get you to work on what you need to; you have to do your homework! Things started to lift and all of a sudden I found myself being released from emotions and beliefs that have held me back for many years. I feel so much better and suddenly I am now on path to live the life I want to live, but didn't have the confidence to live before I met Dulcie. She is an absolute gem, she knows her stuff and I cannot thank you enough. Boy am I glad I found you!
Deepest thanks
“I feel so much better and suddenly
I am now on path to live the life I want to live”!
Mrs J
“Dulcie has absolutely changed my life!”
When I first went to visit Dulcie I was in a desperate state. I had felt so ill for so long that I had stopped coping. My days had turned into weeks/months of crying, trying not to throw up, I couldn't eat, sleep or been hold a conversation. My opinion of myself was so worthless. I would wake up in the middle of the night never able to go back to sleep and I would just cry thinking that I had another day to try and get through.
I was and had been in a desperate state for so long that I had completely stopped coping with anything, I felt I had completely changed as a person. I use to be so confident, fun loving, responsible, caring etc and I felt I had turned into a selfish, moaning let down, who was always ill, I isolated myself from family and friends as I didn't want them to see me like this.
I had never heard much about anxiety before and it never even crossed my mind that it could be affecting me. For a period of around 18 months before seeing Dulcie I had been back and forth to the doctors so much that it was embarrassing. All the tests under the sun and there was never anything wrong, I couldn't understand that, the symptoms, pain and nausea that I'd been living with were so real to me, I was really scared that nobody believed me.
My best friend at this point was a small black bucket. I would never be without
it as I constantly felt sick. After my first meeting with Dulcie I never picked
up that bucket again. It is now about 2 months later and I am me again. I have
learnt techniques that help me cope with anxiety symptoms, I know how to recognise
it, I know why it's happening, and I know how to make it go away again.
“I can't wait to start living my life again!”
I use to dread every day but now I can't wait to start living my life again. I really do not know where I would be if I had not met Dulcie. I dread to think how I would be. She has picked me back out of the crippling hole I had gotten myself into and has given me hope, courage and strength, she has literally saved my life and I could not be more grateful. I truly started to think that no one could help me. I felt completely alone but Dulcie believed in me and because of her I now believe in myself again.
“she has taught me to understand myself and be happy with who I am”
Dulcie has absolutely changed my life, she has taught me to understand myself and
be happy with who I am. She has given me hope, courage and strength and has literally
saved my life and I could not be more grateful. I truly started to think that no
one could help me. I felt completely alone but she believed in me and because of
her I now believe in myself again. Dulcie herself has an amazing aura which seems
to envelope you and put you at ease straight away.
So thank you Dulcie for helping me. I've only known you for a short time but the
positive impact you have had on me will never be forgotten. I will be telling people
all about you and what you have done for me where nobody else could. You are so
valuable to me and I am so happy that I took a chance and rang you that day. I haven't
looked back since.
Miss G Miss G
“I was really struggling with severe anxiety,
panic attacks and depression”
My journey to a balanced, happy and fulfilled life began a few short months ago. It all started with a phone call to Dulcie, asking for help.
Several months ago, I was really struggling with severe anxiety, panic attacks and depression. My life had taken a dark turn over the past few years or so. Despite being able to overcome a few of these issues, the panic and anxiety that resulted from my trauma remained.
“Anxiety was ruling my life mercilessly”
Anxiety was ruling my life mercilessly. It rendered me completely incapable of even leaving my bedroom most days. Any task that may seem trivial to the average person- (such as going to the supermarket) - would fill me with terror and panic, making everyday life near to impossible for me.
Unable to express or articulate my issues to those around me alienated me completely. Every day was exhausting. I wasn’t living. I merely existed.
The first phone call I made to Dulcie took all the courage I had. Even speaking on the phone to someone filled me with fear and anxiety back then. But calling Dulcie to ask for help was genuinely the best decision I have ever made in my entire life.
Right from that very first phone call, Dulcie was amazing. I felt as if I finally had a new lifeline. I subsequently met with her for regular sessions, in which I felt completely relaxed, at ease, and comfortable. It was quite a feat for someone suffering as much anxiety as I had.
Dulcie helped me to pick apart my past, and to recognise all the triggers that would tend to induce a panic attack for me. Dulcie taught me some invaluable techniques for overcoming and quashing the panic, before it could even start. Throughout every session, Dulcie was calm, kind, and so patient with me. I honestly couldn’t have wished for better help.
“I was blown away by the transformation in myself”
Over the next few months of working with Dulcie, I was blown away by the transformation in myself. I found myself soon able to do things above and beyond my expectations, things that once would have caused me unimaginable fear, but that now I could do with ease. I started to get back into my acting work and my music, as well as being able to finally socialise properly again for the first time in years.
“I am a truly happy, healthy person,
who is able to deal with life’s challenges”
With Dulcie’s guidance, I started to take better care of myself in both body and mind, and I am eternally grateful to her for being able to give me back all the wonderful things in life that I thought I had lost for good. I am now able to say I am a truly happy, healthy person, who is able to deal with life’s challenges in a balanced and stable manner.
“there is a light at the end of the tunnel,
and thanks to her,I feel I’ve finally
reached that light”!
I can safely say that Dulcie has been my lifesaver. I would never even hesitate to go to her in the future if I ever needed help again. She had showed me that there is a light at the end of the tunnel, and thanks to her, I feel I’ve finally reached that light.
Thank you so much for everything you’ve done for me Dulcie! Miss R
Feel the fear…
…and do it anyway!
I had the pleasure of meeting Dulcie at the Gloucestershire Business Show and we got chatting at her stand. I was feeling quite nervous as I was about to jump from a plane and Dulcie kindly offered to help me with this.
“Dulcie talked and walked me through
a process which was just amazing!”
So off we went and found a quiet space and for 20 minutes Dulcie talked and walked
me through a process which was just amazing. I went from feeling so nervous about
jumping from the plane to actually realising that the feeling I was going to experience
when I touched the ground far outweighed the feeling of fear, I suppose putting it
all into perspective.
I can't thank Dulcie enough for taking the time to do this with me as she helped
me so much and I although nervous I thoroughly enjoyed my skydive, it was the most
surreal and amazing experience and I know that I can achieve anything I put my mind
Dawn Swinley – Gloucester
“Dulcie listened to me, understood
what was going on….”
I was in a dark place when I first rang Dulcie’s doorbell. I don’t think the fog had completely descended, as it previously had, but in many ways this was worse. There was no fog to come out of, look back and realise I’d come out the other side and everything was going to be fine! It had been a gradual slide into what felt like a complete loss of control. I felt I was made up of two separate forces, my mind and me, working against each other at every opportunity and I was fast losing the battle.
The first thing Dulcie taught me was that life is not about ‘What ifs’ and if we live our life this way it isn’t going to be much fun! Think about ‘What IS!’ and deal with that! Dulcie listened to me, understood what was going on and worked out how to go about improving the situation I had got myself into. She seemed to instinctively know that although I needed tools to help me get to the ‘new me’, I also needed to be told a few things….to straighten my way of thinking. Once she had impressed these on me she got to work providing me with the invaluable tools I needed to deal with my ‘demons’, for want of a better word!
As I write this, I am so very much better….not quite there yet but then we haven’t finished! I now have very specific tools in place to banish the negative thoughts. I can identify when they come and can act quickly to stop them taking hold. Previously they would have wheedled their way in and grown inside my head, getting progressively worse by the day. Now I am learning how to switch them off and banish them. I am no longer afraid to plan ’nice’ things, be proud of my children’s and husband’s achievements and to look forward to happy times. The fear that if I do, something awful will happen to even it all out has gone. And if I feel it returning, Dulcie has put strategies in place for me to deal with it and kick it out!
“I always feel relaxed and
safe with Dulcie”
Dulcie is a naturally caring person. She uses her own experiences to help her understand people and how to help them and now that she has the professional training to back up this natural empathy, she is a force for good in the fight against negativity in all its forms. I have found Dulcie to be amazingly positive, kind and happy. She has given me the techniques to take control of my thoughts and my life. Some people live naturally in this state but for those of us for whom it can take a little more work Dulcie is able to provide the necessary skills. I always feel relaxed and safe with Dulcie and following each of my few visits, I have left feeling happier and more positive; but more than that, feeling more confident that those old times are even further behind me and having acquired the expertise to keep them there.
“she is a force for good in the fight
against negativity in all its forms”
I would say to anyone feeling they need some re-programming, to pay Dulcie a visit.
I’m very glad I did.”
“Dulcie very gently encouraged me…”
When I first met Dulcie I had no idea I was in so much of a pickle or why! I felt very anxious & was close to tears all the time. Dulcie very gently encouraged me to dig into 'stuff' that I thought I'd already dealt with years ago & to understand how my 'negative thinking' was limiting my own beliefs. She has a very 'organic' approach & although some of the exercises were quite challenging & didn't make sense at the time, over the days that followed I found myself understanding more & more of what was going on.
“I'm delighted that Dulcie was there to support me!”
I'm not ashamed to admit that I really needed her help. We all go through low patches & I've always believed it takes a stronger person to ask for help. I'm delighted that Dulcie was there to support me & can honestly say I have turned a huge corner & now feel happier than I have done in a long time. Thank you Dulcie
Ms E