Tel: 07964 290933
…..with Clarity of mind!
Creating a Positive outlook…..
Tel: 07964 290933
Loss & Anxiety Coaching
WELCOME - I am an Advanced Certified Grief Recovery Specialist
We have all experienced
loss of some kind in our life. In fact there are over 40 different types of losses,
including tangible loss such as death of a loved one, divorce, pet, and intangible
losses such as redundancy, loss of trust, faith, childhood, moving house and so on.
Grief is the normal and natural reaction to loss of any kind and
yet we have been ill prepared to deal with it. – we are taught more about first aid
then we are about grief and loss.
Grief is the conflicting feelings caused by the end of or change in a familiar pattern of behaviour.
Although grief is the normal reaction to loss, the vast majority of what we have learnt about how dealing with loss is not natural and is not helpful.
Unresolved grief is almost always about the things we wished
we had done or not done or said or not said - differently, better or more.
Unresolved grief is about undelivered hopes, dreams and expectations of an emotional nature. It is the goal of the program to discover and complete what was left emotionally incomplete for you by a death, a divorce or any other loss.
As Certified Grief Recovery Specialist along with the program, will show you how to discover and communicate those unsaid things, so that they no longer limit your capacity for happiness.
*You’re tired and irritable but don’t understand why
*You are short tempered or angry and don’t know why
*You find it harder to be amused jokes
*You numb out on food or avoid it, drink too much, numb out on your phone or TV or other guilty pleasures
*A fuzzy mind
*Sense of Numbness
*Disrupted sleep pattern
*Dissociated - feeling of not being in one’s body
*Heavy sinking feeling
*Eating too much or too little
*Emotionally crying
*Roller coaster of emotional highs then lows
To find out more
book a discovery session
“The program helped enormously”!
“I would recommend
it wholeheartedly”
To read more testimonials click here
Featured Testimonial
“The grief recovery program
has transformed me”!
I carried sadness and grief since I was a very young child following the divorce of my parents. I used to say that I suffered with depression and each time a relationship broke down or a change in my job happened I would usually suffer an episode of depression. I just learned to live with it, I almost felt embarrassed that I could not fathom why it hit me so hard. After all, no one had died! I knew intellectually that I had suffered a loss but 33 years have gone by and no amount of therapy or counselling had really filled the hole in my soul. Life has felt sort of empty, like I'm living on the outside.
“I felt the emotions pour out
and I felt released”
The grief recovery program has transformed me. Honestly, as soon as I read the book it made so much sense and taking the steps felt scary but as soon as I did the tasks I felt the emotions pour out and I felt released. It’s like that deep pain that I felt when I talked about the difficult times has lifted, it’s just better! I can’t believe it. I can talk about it without it filling me with tears.
“it is such a relief to feel better”
If you are struggling with bereavement or loss and you don't know where to turn,
chances are this will help, we all suffer loss and it all builds up through our lives.
Career loss, divorce, beloved pet dies. This program is so uncomplicated and it is
such a relief to feel better. Thank you Dulcie, you are the warmest most genuine
lady I have ever worked with and I thank you from the bottom of my now much warmer
Just do it!!!
Mrs J
“I can finally, after all those years
let go of the pain and start living again”!
When I first came to Dulcie I had many incomplete relationships weighing me down and preventing me from living a full life. I had so much pain and sadness in me that I had just accepted would have to stay with me for the rest of my life. With Dulcie’s patience, extensive knowledge and experience with Grief Management she showed me how I can finally, after all those years let go of the pain and start living again.
Forever grateful to you Dulcie
Thank you so much
Miss A Miss A
“The program helped enormously”!
“I would recommend it wholeheartedly”.
I recently completed the Grief Recovery Program during which we addressed a number of losses in my life. We concentrated mainly on the death of my partner which I was struggling with. The program helped enormously with putting it into perspective and helping me to complete on the pain that I was still feeling.
“It helped to clear the fog in my brain”!
It helped to clear the fog in my brain. I had begun to wonder whether I was grieving correctly. I am now at peace with the loss, finding a place in my life to carry the love but release the pain. Equally importantly it has given me the tools for engaging with others who have suffered loss. I would recommend it wholeheartedly. Miss S
“looking forward to what the future may hold”
After hitting a particularity low spot in my personal life early 2018, Dulcie came highly recommended to me by a couple of friends and six months later my perspective on pretty much every aspect of my life has been turned on its head.
“Lacking confidence in my capabilities”
Lacking confidence in my capabilities at work,
blaming myself for failed relationships and struggling with past personal losses;
with Dulcie's thought provoking coaching and structured GRM I now have a very different
and positive outlook on life and a confidence to embark on future relationships.
Friends and colleagues have remarked on a very noticeable change in my approach and confidence towards both work and my personal life. Without Dulcie's help, repetition of behaviour and self doubt would still be a part of my everyday life and I wouldn't be looking forward to what the future may hold.
Miss W
“feeling inspired and comforted”!
I was recommended Dulcie by a friend, having recently lost my husband. She has made a significant difference to my life. I completely trust her. She has proved invaluable in helping me to understand, to accept myself and the relationship I have lost; giving me confidence in my future.
The GRM course was worth every penny. Dulcie gave me clear, logical and effective advice. Her tips and strategies were delivered in a comfy, safe manner with humour and empathy.
I have learnt a lot, feeling inspired and comforted. It has all been filed away. I am in a better place, feel less pain and lots to be grateful for.
With Dulcie’s help and her guidance through the program she uses, she has enabled me to begin my journey to recovery and I truly appreciate that.
Mrs S
“I would thoroughly recommend it”
When grief recovery was first suggested to me I did not know what to expect and was at first a little sceptical. Now that I have been through the process both for the death of a close relative, for the illness of another and for a recent divorce I would thoroughly recommend it.
Dulcie conducts these sessions with professionalism, and absolute discretion, in a safe and friendly environment.
It is a journey that helps you to say not goodbye to the loved one but allows you to say things that should or might have been said when they were alive. This is an emotional journey but well worth the effort. It allows you to move on with your life and leaves the fond memories of the deceased and allows closure on any memories which are painful.
I also found it to be a journey of self-awareness and discovery. It allows you to understand why a relationship broke down so that you can start any new relationship with the insight of where things went wrong rather than holding on to all the negative aspects, or repeating the same pattern of behaviour.
In my case it became very clear that lack of effective communication had been a barrier for most of my life. This insight will allow me to move on and start to build a different and better life and hopefully meet a new partner, without holding on to resentment and bitterness. To remember the things which were good in all the relationships, and let go of the things which were not good.
Mrs C
Helping hearts to heal
As an Advanced Grief Recovery Specialist I am with you all the way as a heart with ears because grievers need to be heard.
1-1 sessions or On- line
and available in Groups
“I feel free of my pain!
“Free of bitterness and resentment that I’ve carried around
for 25 years!”
I met Dulcie a little while prior to experiencing a very big loss in my life. I already liked and trusted her so much so I reached out and asked if she could help me with my losses. I realised that the most recent loss was triggering a huge amount of pain from a very long time ago.
I started along the Grief recovery Programme Journey and Dulcie helped me to resolve some trauma experiences that I had held on to. I instantly felt better, lighter and more whole!
As we worked through the Grief Recovery process, Dulcie was professional and extremely supportive and kind. Her guidance went beyond just Grief Recovery, through the whole experience she helped me to understand my life from a much wider perspective. To start to change and improve many areas of my life where I had not been living to my best potential.
“with each recovery I felt lighter, more whole”
Dulcie’s support gave me the strength to work through the Grief Recovery Process and with each recovery I felt lighter, more whole. The biggest loss was my mum who had died suddenly of Cancer when I was 24 years old and still living at home. Through the process, I was able to remember our life together and her memory in a much more positive and happy way. After the process I could think of her and not feel bitter or sad but happy that I had, experienced a life with her! I felt so much more positive about it.
Throughout the process, I suggest to Dulcie that I add some of my family to the list. We worked on my brothers (who are still with me) and I was surprised at the emotions that came up. It was a brilliant exercise of self-awareness and to increase my intuit, and listen to my feelings more.
“I’m, able to live a life that feels more whole, more fulfilled”!
Moving on from Grief Recovery, I’m, able to live a life that feels more whole, more fulfilled. I did not carry around the bitterness and pain of before and I’m able to function in certain relationships without their behaviour triggering me in the same way as before.
Working with Dulcie has truly been life changing! I cannot say any less! I feel free of my pain! Free of bitterness and resentment that I’ve carried around for 25 years!
I am truly grateful for the experience and the privilege of working with Dulcie
Miss L
”I was in a complete mess… I felt lost and desperate”!
I was in a complete mess, an emotional wreck - anxious, tearful, stressed and angry, fearful and lacking in confidence. I felt lost and desperate and knew I had to do something, but didn’t know which way to turn. Then I saw Dulcie’s advert for Positive Clarity in a local magazine; the negative symptoms described in her advert I recognised in myself, and hope began to flicker that there was a path to help me out of the misery and emotional pain I was experiencing.
I plucked up the courage to phone Dulcie and left a message; she rang me as soon as she could the same day even though she was away on holiday. Her voice was warm and calm and her words were kind and understanding; she listened patiently to the answers I gave her, and within minutes we’d agreed a day and time soon to meet. Straightaway I felt that I mattered to her, sensed her positivity and energy, and her evident confidence inspired me that she could only make things better.
“I felt a huge sense of relief”!
From the moment I met Dulcie, I felt a huge sense of relief; her welcoming, professional but relaxed manner very quickly put me at ease. It was great not to feel alone any more, to feel understood, to be able to talk to her in complete confidence about very personal experiences and to feel assured that she could identify what was wrong and what would help! Dulcie agreed with me the programme she proposed we should go through together, and the few things she would need from me, so all along I felt comfortable that I knew what to expect.
Over the weeks, to meet my needs we went through a self discovery programme, with light bulb moments of clarity as to why things had been as they were; bit by bit she helped me unpick the pieces; it was at times painful emotionally, requiring much thought and self honesty but Dulcie is there every step of the way to support and guide. And she is fun to work with!
“I feel liberated and more able to move on with my life
in a calmer and more enjoyable
I have just completed my programme, and thanks to Dulcie and the great support and direction I have received I have been able to let go of so much accumulated baggage and negative thought. I know and accept myself better, and with understanding and acceptance my energy has changed; my relationships are improving and I feel liberated and more able to move on with my life in a calmer and more enjoyable way.
Dulcie is an inspirational, experienced and very skilful facilitator, educator and coach with a knack of identifying with the client in a non judgemental way the nub of why things are wrong and being able to help put them right through her sessions including the Grief Recovery Programme.
Dulcie is extremely gifted at what she does, and her work is her life and who she is; she is full of a joyous energy, and you won’t find a better, more knowledgeable, more supportive or more caring or dedicated partner to take you successfully through your journey of healing.
I am so grateful to Dulcie and her caring heart of gold, and feel very fortunate to have found her. I know that life will continue to bowl me down with skittles from time to time, but now I know I have some very useful tools to employ to manage anxiety and stress and negative emotions - and there’s always Dulcie at hand if I do slip back!